The national Pirogov's estate museum Українська мова English language
Н.И. Пирогов
The national Pirogov's estate museum"Быть счастливым счастьем других - вот настоящее счастье, вот жизни земной идеал."
About the museum Exposition Service Location, visiting hours, transport, contacts

Classification of museum

Classification of the museum (type): historical

Area of museum: 19,95 hectares

Middle amount of visitors for a year: 107, 2 thousands, 8, 4 thousands excursions.

In the structure of the museum: repository, scientific library, special laboratory.

Organization which the museum submits by: Ministry of health care of Ukraine.

Collection: 16,5 exhibits (editions of Mykola Pyrohov, his medical atlases, instruments, medical literature, personal things).


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Copyright © 2006 The national Pirogov's estate museum. Vinnitsa, Ukraine