The national Pirogov's estate museum Українська мова English language
Н.И. Пирогов
The national Pirogov's estate museum"Быть счастливым счастьем других - вот настоящее счастье, вот жизни земной идеал."
About the museum Exposition Service Location, visiting hours, transport, contacts
Hall I Hall II Hall III Hall IV Hall V Hall VI Hall VII Hall VIII Hall IX Hall X The gallery of main building Pirogov’s Pharmacy Museum Church burial vault of N. I. Pirogov The territory of Pirogov’s museum estate

Museum Exposition

Museum exhibition occupies an area of 1,200 square meters where over 1,500 exhibits are located; each of them tells not only about Nikolay Pirogov’s life and activity but depicts that historical time interval when great scientist lived.

Museum visitors have an opportunity to see the medical instruments used in doctors’ practice during the Pyrogov’s epoch, to view unique print editions, to feel the spirit and the atmosphere of the 19th century architecture, memos and history. On display there are Pirogov’s scientific works, his manuscripts and personal items, painting works, drawings, sacral and sculpture art. Museum exposition is being constantly replenished with new materials and documents.

Museum-pharmacy is a peculiar reproduction of Pirogov’s professional life. And the vault with Nikolay Pirogov’s embalmed body is the real sanctity. Systematical re-embalming works give an opportunity to preserve the body in a satisfactory condition.

For detailed information we recommend to choose the section that interests you the most, but we’d better advise to visit Nikolay Pirogov’s estate and with the experienced guides to make a trip to the separate objects and exposition halls of the museum complex.


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Copyright © 2006 The national Pirogov's estate museum. Vinnitsa, Ukraine