Hall No.4
N. I. Pirogov is a Professor of St. Petersburg’s Medical and Surgical Academy.
Pirogov's anatomical preparations
At the beginning of 1841 N. I. Pirogov was chosen a professor of self-created Chair of hospital Surgery and Pathological Anatomy in the St. Petersburg’s Medical and Surgical Academy. Since then, the most fruitful period in the scientist’s life has begun.
N. I. Pirogov publishes his works such as “Full Course of Applied Anatomy of the Human Body” (1843-1848), “Anatomical images of Outer View and Position of Organs” (1846), “Pathological Anatomy of Asiatic Cholera” (1849), which have not lost their relevance and are still a guide in the work of doctors of various specialties. Among scientific works written by N.I. Pirogov in St. Petersburg a special place takes “Topographic Anatomy of Saw cuts performed on the frozen corps” (1852 – 1859).
In 1841 N. I. Pirogov creates the first in the world clinic of hospital surgery. At first, he pays attention to the organization of work of hospitals for in-patients, medical staff, and rules of hospitalization of patients, scientifically explained the building of medical institutions.
Many innovations had a great value not only for the development of hospital activity in the Medico-Surgical Academy; in 1845 the same clinic of hospital surgery started its work in Moscow, and in 1849 – in Kyiv.
In 1846 together with Professors Behr and Zeidlits the scientist established Anatomical Institute at the Academy, where doctors and students improved their knowledge of anatomy and surgery.
On September, 9 in 1847, near the aul Salta in the context of military-field conditions N. I. Pirogov for the first time used ether anesthesia in surgery and immovable starch bondage which was later replaced for plaster cast.
The exposition presents N. I. Pirogov’s scientific works and atlases of this period of time, the anatomical preparations for his “Topographic anatomy…” and lithographic stones. At the expose there is the scheme of sequence of operation “Tibia lengthening during surgical removal of foot.” (1852). It gives the beginning of osteoplastic surgery.

Fragment of an exposition
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