Pictures from N. Pirogov's preparations.
F. Shlater, 1832, Dopat
From first days of staying in Derpt Nikolay Pirogov in addition to the clinic paid much attention to practical study of anatomy and experiments on animals.
His tutor was the professor of practical and theoretical surgery I. Moyer (1786-1858). As a mentor, he was very understanding and experienced, a man of high culture, a wonderful musician. Free from lectures time Nikolay Pirogov gladly visited his teacher’s family.
In 1829 the medical department of the University of Dorpat awarded N. I. Pirogov a gold medal for the scientific investigation on artery ligation and in 1832 he successfully defended a Doctor’s thesis on the subject: “Is abdominal aortic ligation aneurysm in the groin area is easy to perform and safe intervention?”.
After defending his doctorate N.I. Pirogov went to Germany where for two years he had been improving his knowledge at hospitals and labs of prominent German scientists.
Exposure accents of this hall are original drawings from preparations of N.I. Pirogov with his annotations, thesis’s monograph, photos and papers of German anatomists, physiologists and surgeons of Berlin and Gottingen hospitals where N.I. Pirogov had an internship.