The territory of Pirogov’s museum estate

N. I. Pirogov bought his estate in Kyiv in 1859 as a Trustee of Kyiv school district. After the resignation, in 1861, he settled here. The estate on three sides was surrounded by an oak forest and a birch grove and on the fourth side there was a large pond. Here he had an opportunity to farm, to grow medicinal plants and the most favorable flowers – roses.
He especially enjoyed tending the garden, which included over 2,000 fruit trees, shrubs, grapes, vegetable garden plots and a large variety of crops such as wheat and rye named after Pirogov.
However, his main activity was treatment of the wounded and caring for their health.
Knowing about the medical properties of plants, the owner of the estate used them in patients’ treatment.
In the memorial park a Fir tree grows which was planted by Nikolay Pirogov in 1862. People still believe in its miraculous power and try to touch its mighty trunk. Fir tar was used in Pirogov’s practice as a wounded-healing and pain-relieving aid and as a sedative aid.
During the Crimean war (1853-1856) he used a resinous extract of the European Larch taken from the succulent young shoots in the treatment of scurvy and advised it the wounded and sick as vitamins.
Black elderberry shrubs sumptuously grow on Pirogov’s estate. Elderberry flower tea has sudorific effects. Nikolay Pirogov used it in treatment of the sick. The mixture of elderflower, chamomile and linden blossom he recommended as a mouthwash and gargle.
Around the house the periwinkle grows. The medical preparations it used by Pirogov as astringent, hemostatic, wound healing, antimicrobial, laxatives, painkillers, general strengthening and vasodilating agents.
On the territory of the memorial estate there is a wonderful place where Nikolay Pirogov liked to have a rest. It is an old linden pathway. Century-old trees remember the wonderful doctor and his patients, who came for help.
In the arsenal of Pirogov’s medicines there were linden leaves and linden blossom which, since ancient times considered to be a very effective means of treatment. Pirogov recommended to his patients a linden tea that possessed powerful diaphoretic properties.
An old well still exists. Its water renders curative effects on the people.
In 1947 in the territory of the estate a monument to the great scientist was erected.
The right of the main entrance of the museum a stela located. It meets the visitors. It was established for the 100th Anniversary of the Red Cross Society, the founder of which was Nikolay Pirogov.